Goliath Labs Thanked by iPredator Inc. for Donation - Goliath Labs™

Goliath Labs Thanked by iPredator Inc. for Donation

This writer, Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D., is thankful and grateful to Goliath Labs for their generous donations, throughout 2015, which was used for iPredator Inc. operating expenses, legal professional consultation fees and our internet safety campaigns. In fact, Goliath Labs donations also was used to compensate several of our social media profilers and internet safety volunteers. I cannot thank the Goliath Labs CEO, Bart Panessa, for his seed funding and support.

About Goliath Labs

Goliath Labs is a NYS based Sports Nutrition & Athletic Equipment Company. Goliath Labs is the first business to support our internet safety initiatives. The two areas Goliath Labs is most interested in is this writer’s Information Age Wellness construct and iPredator Inc.’s emphasis on internet safety for kids and parents. Mr. Panessa and Goliath Labs have even allowed this writer to publish his Information Age Wellness concept as a featured page in their website.

Goliath Labs and Mr. Panessa have also confirmed that they will continue to support and help fund iPredator Inc. throughout 2016. As stated by CEO Bart Panessa, “No one can deny we now live in the Information Age whereby information technology is now in every American child’s hands. It is for this reason that internet safety for kids must become a priority.” 

I cannot express my appreciation enough to Goliath Labs and Mr. Panessa. Although I have not been paid to endorse their dietary supplements, sports nutrition products or exercise equipment, I am a loyal customer. I am a personal user of their protein powder called Isolate Protein. Their whey protein has been part of my daily diet for the last two years. If you are an athlete, bodybuilder, weightlifter or an integrative medicine enthusiast, I strongly encourage you to try their products. Provided below is a brief overview of Goliath Labs and my Information Age Wellness concept definition.


Goliath Labs

Goliath Labs, a subsidiary of Nutraloid Labs Inc., is a New York based Sports Nutrition & Athletic Equipment Company offering exercise accessories and a full range of analogue-free weightlifting, athletic & bodybuilding supplements. Their dietary supplements are formulated to improve energy, memory function, sexual performance, health and muscle growth. Nutraloid Labs Inc. maintains partnerships with global distributors providing safe and effective natural dietary supplements worldwide.

Nutraloid Labs Inc. manufactures private label products for sale to prospective clients and receptive to both national and international distribution partnerships. All Goliath Labs products are manufactured under a strict GMP-certified manufacturing process, using only the highest quality naturopathic materials.

As a leading Dietary Supplement Retail and Distribution Company, Goliath Labs are more than just supplement manufacturers. Clients who purchase Goliath Labs products can feel confident they are purchasing the same ingredient formulas used in all of their products. Nutraloid Labs Inc. prides itself on offering clients personalized services not provided by the large private label companies.

Information Age Wellness

Information Age Wellness: Information Age Wellness is the practice and study of how Information and Communications Technology (ICT) influences people’s physical, psychological, perceptual and spiritual well-being. By incorporating safe and productive knowledge and practices, citizens and their loved ones of the Information Age are both safer from cyber attacks and able to focus on mind, body & spiritual optimization endeavors.

Information Age Wellness is the practice and study of how Information and Communications Technology (ICT) influences physical, psychological, perceptual and spiritual well-being. By incorporating safe and productive knowledge and practices, citizens of the Information Age are safe from cyber attacks and able to focus on mind, body & spiritual optimization endeavors. Information Age Wellness incorporates mind, body, spirit and ICT for those seeking a healthy lifestyle.

Meet Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D.

Michael Nuccitelli, Psy.D. is a New York State licensed psychologist and forensic consultant. He completed his doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology in 1994 from Adler University. In 1997, Dr. Nuccitelli became a licensed psychologist in New York State. In November 2011, Dr. Nuccitelli and his colleagues established iPredator Inc. offering educational, investigation and advisory services regarding internet predators, cybercrime & the dark side of cyberspace. In June 2013, Dr. Nuccitelli and iPredator Inc. launched their internet safety website, iPredator, and two blogs, Dark Psychology & Dr. Internet Safety offering site visitors an incredible amount of information, education and advisory services. Over the last 25 years, Dr. Nuccitelli has worked in the mental health field in a variety of capacities with various clinical populations.

About iPredator Inc.

iPredator Inc. is a New York State based Cybercriminal Psychology and Internet Safety Company founded in September 2011 to provide educational and advisory products & services to consumers and organizations on cyberbullying, cyber harassment, cyberstalking, cybercrime, internet defamation, cyber terrorism, online sexual predation, internet addiction and the new fields they are pioneering called Cybercriminal Psychology & Profiling. IPredator Inc.’s goal is to reduce victimization, theft and disparagement from online assailants.

In addition to professional services, Dr. Nuccitelli has authored a variety of internet safety tools, cyber attack risk assessments and diagnostic tests that are both free and available to purchase as hard copy PDF files. Dr. Nuccitelli and iPredator Inc. consultants are always available, at no cost, to interact with academia, law enforcement, legal professionals and the media. To invite Dr. Nuccitelli to conduct training, educational service or consultation, he can be reached by calling 347-871-2416 or via email at drnucc@ipredatorinc.com.

“Thank You Mr. Panessa and Goliath Labs for Your Support!”